Cupcake Halloween
"There are always two choices in marketing, hard and soft selling."
- Hard selling means selling directly at the store or supermarket. Buyers can directly see objects and functions of the product.
- Soft selling like opening an online shop on Facebook, we should be able to enter into the realm of customer inceptions.
In online marketing, brand has become a thing of economic value, other than the function itself.
In the marketing of soft sells, character and quality of the product are two important things.
If you would like to offer your cupcake on Facebook, treat the customer as a friend. Greet them often with wall updates, give them a choice; do not force them to buy. Selection decisions should remain in their hands, so they do not feel disturbed.
Try to market your Halloween cupcake via the Internet. Homemade cupcake market via the internet is an effective, rapid and extensive coverage. Moreover, it also did not spend a lot of cost.
If possible, do it the hard and soft selling simultaneously and well-arranged. Example:
- Create a coupon discount for immediate purchase at your store (directly at your kitchen, maybe?) during Halloween,
- Give a Cupcake Halloween bonus for ordering via the Internet to your returning customers.